To achieve our philosophy we have the following activities:
1. Very strong academic program.
2. Program to support slow learners and high level performers.
3. Intensive sports coaching by sports persons of national level.
4. Audio visual aids to support class room teaching.
5. Opportunities to learn classical dance and light music and instrumental music by experts.
6. Dance and theatre( performing arts)
7. Cyber club to make children computer savvy.
8. Science club to encourage creativity, innovation and to build scientific temper among the
9. Environment club to create awareness about environmental issues
10. Language club to make them best orators.
11. Humanities club to make them best human beings.
12. The school hosts inter school sports and cultural competitions to instill true sports man
spirit and competition spirit among the children
13. Annual trips and visits we organize will enhance the horizon of their knowledge and
14. Workshops, seminars and other activities are organized in the school to enhance the
leadership qualities among them.