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About Us
School Profile
School Profile
Police public School , Shivamogga was established in the year 2019 with the strength of 67 students from PreKg to V Grade.. The School intends to set forth quality education at an affordable cost both to the children of police and public . The School sprawls on a gigiantic 4.5 acres land, which ensures safe, secure, pollution free and eco friendly environment with serene ambience. The campus is well protected by the police guards round the clock.
Our Organisation
Police Public School is run by the Karnataka State Reserve Police multipurpose society as a welfare measure to provide quality education to the children of police force. The school is managed by Education Management Committee which is headed by unit officer.
Our Vision
Our vision is to provide the students the most suitable environment for overall development by an integrated approach. To raise the children fully equipped with knowledge and skills, self-confidence, self-esteem to become global citizens.
Our Doctrine
To Provide holistic education that prepares children for life.
To Provide on all encompassing learning experience- moulds our students in to young adults who are achievers of the highest order in any and every field.
To enhance maximum learning.
To uphold the national Integration.
To develop overall sound personality.
To instill self confidence and self esteem among children.
To nurture innovation and creativity.
To encourage creation and collaboration in arts and science integration.
To impart moral values and ethics.
To respect unity in diversity and promote peace and harmony.
Encourage and motivate children to participate over winning.
Our Goals
Our Goals
To provide best learning and fear free environment to bring out best in a child.
To make continuous, consistent and conscious effort to integrate values into the main stream of education.
learning by doing. Provide proper opportunities for hands on experience.
To equip the children with all life skills to face the challenges of life.
To nurture creativity and costructivism.
To Produce individuals with deep sense of belongingness to our culture and to our country.
Eventually to produce nation builders.
Rule and Regulations
The day of our children commences with prayer followed by pledge, thought for the day, news reading, a small English conversation on any special topic and introduction of two new words. The assembly ends with a national integration song (in all languages) and national anthem. The 4 different houses will take the responsibility of conducting the house activities.
All students should strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the school at all times. This is required to ensure smooth academic work in the campus. Damaging school properties creating nuisance in the school campus, use of abusive languages and behavior, discourteous manners and disfiguring the walls and furniture will be severely dealt by the principal.
Our Organisation
Our Vision
Our Doctrine
Our Goals
Rules And Regulations
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